Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kenilworth Castle

Since I previously blogged about Italy, I thought I would share another favorite site! I visited Kenilworth Castle in 2005 while my sister Tara and I were visiting Michelle & BD in England. Read about Kenilworth's particulars on the English Heritage website.

From what I recall, Kenilworth's big "claim to fame" was Queen Elizabeth's last visit there in 1575. She had given the castle to her favorite, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester (pronounced 'Lester') in 1563.
The festivities surrounding this visit are said to have been the inspiration for William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Shakespeare was only 11 years old at the time and from nearby Stratford-upon-Avon. He could well have been among the crowd of locals that would have gathered to witness the pageantry of the event with its expensive and lavish arrangements. I just read this play in my Shakespeare class, so I find Kenilworth to be especially interesting!

"The course of true love never did run smooth"
--Lysander to Hermia, A Midsummer Night's Dream


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth and Robert Dudley formed another interesting relationship...she was not happy to learn that he married without telling your pictures which make the history I have read so vivid.........

Lois and Jon said...

I read Dudley actually formed a couple other relationships after Elizabeth, as she refused to marry him for the umpteenth time at her last visit to Kenilworth. However, at least he didn't suffer imprisonment in the Tower for marrying in secret as Sir Walter Ralegh did!

Blake and Lucinda said...

wow, what a beautiful place! The pictures are awesome.

Daltons Global Inc said...

Is it strange that I live here but have to read your blog to fully understand the history? Guess I really am as 'historically-challenged' as Uncle R claims!

Lois and Jon said...

Well, I've read a lot of British Literature in school, so it's not ENTIRELY your fault :) -Lois