Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The House Next Door...An Update!

About, oh, 6 months ago (give or take) I posted about the hideous house next door. Its sorted past is long and storied, and more than a little disgusting. The bulleted version of its history is this:
  • When Jon and I moved in, they had several dogs on the property that died from malnutrition.
  • Their back yard had so much garbage in it, stray dogs used to just stop by to eat off their ground (nasty, I know).
  • Just before they were scheduled to go to Environmental Court for numerous health violations, they were foreclosed on.
  • One of the men who used to live there threw a fit at the post office because they stopped delivering their mail there (yes, they no longer lived there...not sure what his point was).
  • When someone bought it with the intent to fix it up, the home was a victim of arson. As it was unsecure, people were in and out of there all the time so it could have been anyone (though we think it was the man who used to live there). At this point, we were sad it only burned half-way down. I was calling the police on a regular basis.
  • The man was still checking his mail...not sure Lee took a chainsaw to the entire mailbox and tossed the remains into the burned-out front window. That was pretty awesome.

And then, finally, Mr. Wright showed up and made the home beautiful! Living in an urban area can be trying at times, but hey--we're close to everything :) Enjoy the photos!




MUM said...

Great story about the view from your windows. It was a painful trip, but is a very cute little place now. Do people live there yet?..Hope they keep it nice.

toomuchcountry said...

Is Oprah moving in?

Lois and Jon said...

I don't think she is...but maybe her dad will! ha-ha They did a really nice job inside.

Ozzy Nelson said...

I need to get over there so I can go inside. A very nice turn around.

Ozzy Nelson said...

I'm sure this house is so nice because of the high standard set by the house next door at 818

Lois and Jon said...

Ah yes, so true. We can only hope the new owners will also meet the standards of the residents at 818! ha-ha

Daltons Global Inc said...

Maybe you and Jon could try to find some nice friends to move in next does look really cute now.

Blake and Lucinda said...

Wow, that's a really cute house now :) Glad you have a better view now! :-P

MorningSun said...

Thanks for the story. I enjoyed it and had a good laugh. The eyesore is gone and it's been replaced with a new cute house. Let's hope whoever move in are friendly, kind and nice people. Take care of yourselves.Miss you both.