Thursday, August 13, 2009

Portage Glacier

Yesterday we did the cruise to Portage Glacier. Thanks to mom's "connections," we got to go for free. It was chilly and overcast, but still a great time! The photos really don't do it justice - the glacier is HUGE.


Blake and Lucinda said...

Us and our hook-ups! I went on that cruise for free, too, when Bridget was the assistant manager ;)

It's amazing, that glacier! Can't wait to see what other photos you have!

Ozzy Jr Fest said...

these pictures are awesome. obviously you aren't in E Nashville anymore.

toomuchcountry said...

I went to Portage about 3 years ago. I was amazed at how quickly and how sharply the temperature dropped as we got near the face of it. The sun shining through the ice created some spectacularly blue hues. By the way, be sure to drink a Moose Drool brew up there - perhaps at Humpy's Great Alaskan Alehouse in Anchorage.

Andrew Stanfield said...

I've got a picture of this glacier on my desk, but no matter how many times I see it it still takes my breath away.

toomuchcountry said...

AS - do we know one another? Hendersonville? GSUMC? -- Lois - miss you - look fwd to having u back at office.

Lois and Jon said...

CW - we went to Humpy's, love that place! Andy - seeing the glacier from the boat was definitely a different perspective than the one you, Brady and I had coming through the Pass a few years ago!!