Tuesday, August 25, 2009


While on vacation, Jon and I took James' camper to explore a part of Alaska I'd never seen. And while there isn't a whole lot going on in Valdez unless you like fishing, parts of the drive are amazing. Most people have heard of Valdez related to the devastating oil spill (1989); it is still a large oil port and the southern end of the Alaska Pipeline. There are many areas along the drive where you can see the pipeline above-ground, which is pretty cool (and huge). All-in-all, I don't see myself making the 6 hour drive again, but it was definitely worth the trip.

Horsetail Falls

A better perspective on how large the falls are:
Can you see me on the right?

It was chilly, glad I brought my hat!

Yeah, RIGHT.

Bridal Veil Falls

Jon thought it was pretty cool to play foosball outside, with the mountains on one side and the water on the other!

Fisherman getting their customer's fish ready

Let the feast begin


Ozzy Nelson said...

does that sign keep the mosquitoes out?

Anonymous said...

That last picture is incredible

Blake and Lucinda said...

haha, that NO MOSQUITOS sign cracked me up.