Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Anniversary To Us!

Has it been two years already???? :)

This is one of our engagement photos, taken in Nashville on the downtown Pedestrian Bridge. After two years, we really need new photos! Tonight we're planning martinis at Eastland Cafe with dinner to follow. Yum!!


Ozzy Nelson said...

Happy Anniversary.
Have you considered shooting off fireworks in the street to celebrate?

Lois and Jon said...

We don't want someone to steal them..

coffeecup said...

Happy Anniversary, You Two.

I'd advise you not to have new photos taken after martinis, though, unless you look good in lampshades.

Two years, huh? In this day and age that's very impressive. Probably puts you up there around the Top 100 nationwide for longevity.

Have a nice day ... In fact have nothing but nice days.

Lois and Jon said...

Thanks, family!