Friday, January 29, 2010

For the times they are a-changin'

I'm thrilled to announce that I've accepted a new position within HCA! My new title will be Senior Project Administrator in IT&S, which is a huge step-up from my job in Internal Audit. I will be working on the Meditech 5.6 project, and am excited about getting in on the ground floor of something so major to the company. I'm already getting meetings on my calendar for Meditech updates, CPOE planning, ePrescribe, etc...whew, I'm going to be a busy girl! My new boss is awesome, and all the people on my team are so cool. Heck, they've already planned a happy hour to welcome me to the team! My last day in Audit is Friday, February 5th, and I've already checked out my new digs in building 3. New house, new job...hooray for me!


Anonymous said...

Dear Lois..I am so proud of you...and happy for you and Jon and your new home..can't wait to see you all in person again..and bring Belle when you visit Alaska..Love, MUM

Daltons Global Inc said...

Congratulations!!! What a year this is going to be for you, my wonderful Gemini friend, and you deserve all of it!!! Big hugs, Michy xo

Lois and Jon said...

Michelle, didn't you say it's The Year for Geminis?? :)