Thursday, February 18, 2010

Phase I Complete - We're Homeowners!

It took about two months, and almost cost me my sanity, but the big day came and went without a hitch - we're homeowners! The closing itself was surprisingly brief (much like our wedding ceremony); afterwards, we headed over to the house to take a look around and enjoy a bottle of bubbly (merci, Cortney) in our new home. Jon is managing Phase II, which began today - MOVING.

It's not "For Sale" anymore!

Jon getting the party started.


toomuchcountry said...

Is that Red Ryder brand champagne? If so, hope he was careful. You could shoot your eye out.

Congrats on the new home and being in immense debt.

Ozzy Nelson said...

I will miss you for sure.

mum said...

Jon!..hope it was DON PERIGNAM................