Sunday, February 21, 2010

Phase III - Unpacking

Jon did an amazing job moving our entire house contents in 1.5 days - Phase II complete! After spending most of yesterday unpacking and organizing, we have the living room and kitchen pretty well under control; the guest room and den, however, are another story altogether. It's been a busy weekend and we're tired!

This is a shot of the den from the hallway that connects the guest room and the den (via the guest bath). The washer and dryer fit in the nook under the stairs. When we get hoses for our washer we'll hook it up, and scoot it into its new home. The guest bath is situated across from the washer/dryer area, while still in the same room with a door on either side. It's actually quite spacious, considering.


Jay G said...

Feel free to send Jon up my way. Unpacking stinks. I spent the whole day unpacking and it looks exactly the same :-(

Lois and Jon said...

I know what you mean!! The thing that worked for me was consolidating the junk into the guest room...just to feel as though I had things under control ;)