Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Another Jon Update

The doctor apparently thinks Jon may have gout. I always thought that was something people got on their feet, so I looked it up. Gout is an “inflammatory joint disease that causes acute pain and swelling.” It’s a form of arthritis. His hand has been hurting for a while, so who knows. Anyway, they will likely keep Jon in the hospital for another day to ensure they removed all the infection.


Anonymous said...

Wow does he get to keep the gown?


Lois and Jon said...

If we're lucky... :)

Anonymous said...

Did you get any sleep, staying all night at the hosptial creeps me out. You have to be near death or under 12 for me to stay with you.


Lois and Jon said...

I slept a little...more than I thought! When I got home early today to let the dog out, I promptly zonked out on the couch!