Evidently, they used the wrong kind of piping for the upstairs master bathroom sink. The thin hose/pipe burst, which is what caused all the trouble. To make matters worse, the builders covered up the pipes with a piece of wood that had to be torn out.

Jon came home from work and was able to get the sink fixed, though he bought some new piping which he will install tomorrow.

The ceiling doesn't have too much damage - at this point. There are two small holes that were leaking, and this seam is starting to show. Ugh.
Oh, no.....that's a shame...and darn you can't call the landlord....OH! wait a minute...you DID call the landlord and Jon came home and fixed it!!!!
I am sooooo sorry sister
It's not looking too bad today - I think we may we able to just patch up the drain holes we made and call it a day.
What a pain in the arse....it's times like that I am thankful we rent. But then talking with my girlfriends last night about schools, etc made me want to put down roots...hard to win. So glad you and your handy man were able to do so much yourselves without having to call a repairman.
I'm so sorry for you and Jon. I'm glad Jon is a handyman and he fixed the leak! Good job,jon. I miss you both and take care of yourselves.
I didn't realize! Man that stinks, but glad you guys are on the mend!
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