Monday, May 3, 2010

The Day After The Flood

We've been cleaning trash and debris that collected in our front and back yards; things are looking a lot better than yesterday.

Our neighbor's house - the water was level with his front porch! When people would drive by (yes, through the water, stupid) the water would rush onto our porches and lap against our front doors.

The back of my car, love puddles of water in the cup holders.

Front seat - the water reached up to the seats and filled up the cup holders and center console. It didn't, however, reach my glove compartment or trunk!

Remember the limb that fell on my car before all this flooding mess started...?

A neighbor very kindly lent us a shop vac, which Jon put to good use sucking the putrid water out of my car.


toomuchcountry said...

Wow. Some damage but looks like you escape the worst of it. Poor Kristi on our staff lost her place to 6' of water. Staying with family in Hendersonville.

Ozzy Nelson said...

i'm glad your neighbor and your patio furniture made it thru ok.