Sunday, May 2, 2010

Flood Photos

We woke this morning to flooding on our street. Although the water level has gone down since taking these photos, we are still expecting more rain and aren't quite out of the woods yet. We hope we've seen the worst.
Fatty checking out the strange goings-on (why is there a lake outside, Mommy?)

Our neighbor's front porch - his house sits a bit lower than ours and we were really concerned for him!

My car. It doesn't look any better on the inside from what I hear.

At least my new patio furniture hasn't been swept away!

Our backyard has gone from a green space to a wetland preserve (aside from all the trash floating around, eww).


MUM said...

Oh, my goodness....Poor Lois and Jon and poor kitties and poor Belle, and poor car and poor neighbor and poor everything...Love you kids.

MorningSun said...

Oh, no! That's terrible! I'm sorry for you, Jon, the kitties, your car and everybody who is affected by the flood. I hope the rain stops soon. Take care of yourself. Love you both.