Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Something New

We finally have a new table for our little dining nook! It arrived this weekend, and Jon had everything set up Monday. We like it a lot, though we know the real test is whether or not the kitties like it. Judging by these shots, the answer is Yes. I wish we had something more exciting going on in our lives than new furniture in which to blog about; with school starting back this week, perhaps that will change!


Anonymous said...

Yes, looks like kitty likes the new furniture!...maybe it has that "new table" smell?

Ozzy Nelson said...

It goes beautifully with the floor.

Lois and Jon said...

Well, it's a beautiful floor! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice looking table, looking forward to Jon cooking something marvelous to serve on it. Enjoy the day. His glasses are cool, I like the look. Glen needs to wear them to, but hasn't given in, silly pup.

Later ya';;