Friday, February 6, 2009

Foster Parents?

Two nights ago, Jon and I “accidentally” adopted a stray puppy. Actually, we are only fostering him until we can find someone who wants him. We heard him whimpering on the street when it was terribly cold, and couldn’t just leave him. He’d been running around with a pack of strays that evidently were too fast for him.

The vet estimates him to be only 6-8 weeks old. Jon has done a good job of taking care of him, and is growing attached; if you’re looking for a pet, call now! He is expected to grow into quite a large dog. He's yet to potty in the house, thank goodness, though we're still working on kennel training. Jon's named him about a dozen different names, but to me he just looks like an old man...I've been calling him Grandpa.


Anonymous said...

He is such a beautiful puppy! I am guessing you have about 2 more days before you will be unable to leave him to someone else...

toomuchcountry said...

Awwwwww. Now ain't that just so precious? But NO! I ain't a gonna be taking him! So fuhgetaboutit. But check with some of Ozzy's team members. She was was talking about getting a pup before the Christmas holidays.

toomuchcountry said...

one - not some. my mistake.

Blake and Lucinda said...

awww he's adorable!

Unknown said...

Do you still have Grandpa??

Ozzy Jr Fest said...

the ozzy folks adopted him on the 8th of feburary