Thursday, June 18, 2009

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

My uncle John from NJ was in town this week, and we spent Tuesday afternoon seeing the sights of downtown Nashville. For some reason, I really enjoyed taking pictures of some signs in the area. There are more photos from his visit on my Facebook page.


Ozzy Nelson said...

Anything cool going on at the Wild Beaver Saloon?

Lois and Jon said...

We didn't go in to the Wild Beaver, but obviously I had to take a picture of the sign as we walked by...

coffeecup said...

Let's hope you find the Oak Harbor signs equally compelling.

toomuchcountry said...

Why didn't you show them the sign "Lois C. for Metro Council District 7"?

MUM said...

Lois, I finally caught up with your blog and just LOVE all the comments and pictures..keep it all question! how do you find the time? you.