Sunday, November 15, 2009

Belle's New Chair

We have a chair in our living room which Jon inherited from a friend - a chair I've been wanting to get rid of. It's not terrible, exactly, but it's bulky and generic, and I just don't like it. (ALL our living room furniture needs to be replaced, but I digress.) Well, anyway, Jon thought it could be Belle's chair and I agreed. Belle is loving it!


Blake and Lucinda said...

haha, you sure she's comfortable in that?

Lois and Jon said...

Good question. Perhaps I should give her a massage and spoon-feed her peanut butter to help her relax?? ha!

Ozzy Nelson said...

I'm sure Jon made sure that her sight line to the TV is good from her new chair. I wouldn't want her to miss any of The Office.

Lois and Jon said...

Oh, absolutely. The remote doesn't work well from there, though...dang.