Friday, January 29, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It's been snowing all day - crazy!! HCA closed their offices around 9:30 this morning, which is pretty amazing. There have been a lot of car accidents around town (probably people with 4x4s), and I-24 just outside Nashville was shut down earlier due to a pile-up involving five tractor trailers and several cars. That's wild! Jon and I went to the grocery store, and are set to hibernate for the night.

Yes, those are little icicles on the bottom of my car.

And the snow doesn't appear to be stopping any time soon..

Our neighbor's house - so pretty! One of our neighbors at our soon-to-be new house texted me earlier to tell me how lovely our home looks in the snow. Awe :)

1 comment:

Ozzy Nelson said...

that house looks so pretty i should raise the rent