Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Can See Clearly Now

I picked up my new glasses today - I need to wear them for driving and for seeing things at a distance. I am constantly squinting to read street signs and presentations in work meetings, so I'm excited to be able to actually "see" now. These are transitional lenses, and I also ordered a separate pair of prescription sunglasses.


Blake and Lucinda said...

Oh, those are cute! I bet you're enjoying seeing things again :)

Daltons Global Inc said...

How cool, I love them. I'd consider wearing those even as I don't need them, they make you look so cerebral!! Miss you!

Mindie said...

I love them! Due to my allergies I have not been able to wear my contacts for about a month. I've gotten tired of wearing glasses, but are so thankful I have a pair!