Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sunny Saturday in Nashville

Gabie and I got to hang out together this morning - we ran some errands, had lunch, and delivered Girl Scout cookies to a couple of neighbors. Gabie also visited our new home for the first time and was able to enjoy the backyard with Belle. Considering they share an insatiable desire to play with the Frisbee, I thought it was a great match.

We love that we have a a large backyard that's fenced for Belle. The fence looks terrible, but it's functional for now, until we can build a new one over the next year or so.

Jon spinning Gabie...

Gabie...still spinning...

And down she goes (note: no children were hurt in this display). I think her shadow looks kind of artistic...or maybe like Peter Pan's shadow.


MUM said...

Obviously, fun happens in your spacious back yard.....very nice

toomuchcountry said...

Dogs, frisbees, sun, and laughter - you can't draw 4 of a kind in any card game that'll beat that foursome. They're an automatic win.

Lois and Jon said...

You're so right! We had everything we needed for a day of fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great yard for a cookout! I'll bring the chips! Oh and it needs a gazebo! . . . someday

Lois and Jon said...

A gazebo would be fun, but Gabie has already asked for a swing set! :)