Sunday, March 7, 2010

Window Treatments

We finally settled on window coverings for the house. The windows in our house are original and apparently an odd size by modern standards, so of course we didn't find anything at Lowe's that would fit. A pain, right? Anyway, we ordered these bamboo Roman shades for the living room and den. Initially we wanted a darker color, but they were twice the price, so we settled on these.


Anonymous said...

Ilike them, I'd like something like that style (not same fabric) for my bedroom when I re-do it. Great choice

Ozzy Nelson said...

now you appreciate those free ones you had at the old place.

Lois and Jon said...

You ain't kidding!!

toomuchcountry said...

Why do folks call them window "treatments"? Has always struck me as odd. Its as if you buy blinds to treat some kind of cure-all for an unexplained, mysterious window rash.