Sunday, March 21, 2010

You Are Where You Eat

Because we have very little storage in our kitchen (and because Jon returned the island/cart we bought from Walmart due to its poor quality), we decided to purchase two Ikea shelving units to deal with all our stuff. I actually got the idea from Michelle, who has the same "space issues" in her kitchen and has several of these. Anyway, Nashville (sadly) doesn't have an Ikea, but we do have a company called ModerNash that is an Ikea distributor of sorts. Jon was skeptical about it, but now loves them and they go perfectly in our kitchen! The kitties had to inspect them, surprise-surprise.

View from the dining room (below). Notice the corner of our lovely granite countertops!

Unit number two (toward the dining room).

View from the living room.

This is the pseudo-antique heat register Jon had to remove for the second shelf to sit without wobbling. I won't share some of the language used during this process, Gentle Reader.


Daltons Global Inc said...

Those look great! Ours are bigger, but we have a few years on you and definitely have more stuff!

Lois and Jon said...

Yes - you have two of the 16 shelf units, which we couldn't fit in our kitchen. I thought about just getting two and covering the window (we're not really almost out of windows, after all) but it would cover up the heat register, etc. and just settled on the two 8 shelf units. :)

MUM said...

the shelves are beautiful!..and sure add a lot of storage to your home...and this "gentle reader" has NEVER heard language like that, so thanks for not sharing....haha