Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thou Shalt Not Steal

We’ve had a problem in our area with copper thefts from a/c units, as this sign of a neighborhood church would attest. So, imagine my surprise this morning finding some guy in my back yard – the location of our a/c unit. He said he was “reading our meter,” but our meter isn’t in the back yard. In fact, I watched him walk by the part of our house where the meter is located when he went toward the back of the house. He even had to open a gate to get back there.

Anyway, I called the law, who came out quickly; after they left to look for the guy, Mr. Edward across the street said it WAS the meter guy. The neighbor also thought the meter guy might have been trying to read our neighbor, Shane's, meter from our yard. Oops.

Guess he ought to ask next time - he's lucky the dog was inside the house!


Ozzy Nelson said...

that is sad really.

Jenny Magill said...

Ha! I'm really glad you called though - better to go with your gut and be safe rather than sorry!

toomuchcountry said...

What is the world coming to when meter readers start stealing copper from their customers. But best you called the law and talked to Mr. Edwards vs. taking matters into your own hands. One of our co-workers would likely have fired first and asked questions second. Or at least that's what he'd TELL you he would do.

Anonymous said...

Love the sign at Ray of Hope!!


MUM said...

hmmmmm...........I have heard all about your dangerous dog....lucky guy escaping with his arms and legs...